America prepares to strike ... Russia?
Instead of the old system of strategic nuclear ballistic weapons (the concept of nuclear deterrence) The U.S. frantic pace deploy a new non-nuclear strategic strike system (the concept of the so-called "global impact") to conduct non-contact wars of the sixth generation. Against whom?
More In 1999, during the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia by viewing the various reviews of the weapons, I found that the completion of the deployment of America, almost all systems have the latest in 2010.;
· Transition to the Space Administration
· Deployment of strategic aerospace group
· Deployment of NMD Layered
· Active construction of new submarines, whose construction was stopped after the collapse of the Soviet Union, mainly - the killers submarines "Sivulf" (sea bass)
· Upgrading of existing SSBN replacement of ballistic missiles in cruise
· Deployment of precision weapons, especially cruise missiles in excess of 100,000 pieces of sea, air and land-based mobile
· Creation (for high-precision weapons equipped) nuclear warheads ultra deep penetration power to destroy command centers and missile silos
· Adopt the different types of "non-lethal" weapons, including psychotronic
· Deployment of stealth bombers B-2
In the future, this list is only increasing.
These and several other large-scale military projects at some stage have been combined into unparalleled superprogram bearing the legend "One Vision 2010" (the title of the document developed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff). What is this for perspective? One, what? But world domination.
2010 .... This figure is not accidental. This point coincides with the achievement of the lowest state of Russia's nuclear shield.
Old missile allowed under the knife in accordance with agreements on arms reduction, or as a result of the expiration of a full service, and new enough to still do not have time because they do not really have time and hurried. That tiny amount of "Topol-M" with a single warhead, which is now with the slow pace made the Votkinsk factory can not protect us from danger. Moreover, it can not not combat-ready and highly vulnerable Tu-95 and Tu-160 and a couple of subs - all that we will have by the time of the once mighty fleet. Does it follow that of 2010 - the most probable date of the attack on America, Russia? And what the script is preparing America - the type of the Yugoslav or something completely different?
If only there was no war .....
If only there was no war, our grandmothers used to say, furtively crossing himself when it came, that they say, painfully poor live, and that the matter is that the arms race.
Now this idea has ceased to be relevant, because both of those grandmothers are no longer and the world is not the same. Yes, and you should not be this mythical fear of war? First, today we are a finger no one would dare to touch, because if that can still make a couple of hours every continent in the parched desert. And tomorrow - so it's tomorrow.
Secondly, because the results of this war, if, yet it ever happen, will not be fundamentally different from the results obtained by America using other methods - the same poverty and stagnation, dependency and hopelessness.
And third, this war, God forbid, would seem very intense, short (much shorter than the Yugoslav, the timing is dictated by the program tests new weapons and obtaining the necessary flying Air Force pilots) but relatively bloody.
However, the entire industry will be destroyed, there will be light and heat (but it's little things we do not get used), and it does not end in our favor. Well, here I'm sorry, but how would you like?
So why is spring snow melts as our nuclear power? The notorious nuclear parity, which, in accordance with all agreements on the reduction we have by mutual reduction should have been preserved? And why is the actual war, to whom we need? The last question I can answer right away. We - nobody. Now the parity.
At the risk of tire numbers
At the risk of tire numbers, still give a small account. One of our warhead RS-20 missile (SS-18 "Satan") with a probability of 0.8 can destroy the mines of the American missiles "Minuteman." So all the 10 heads of "Satan" could destroy 8 mines. "Topol-M" has a somewhat lower accuracy and three times weaker than the charge of "Satan." Therefore, the probability of hitting a ratio of launchers "Minuteman" and 0.2 for the destruction of the same number of mines disbud "Topol-M" takes 40 missiles. In addition, the "Satan" bears the means to overcome the enemy's defense more than all the throw-weight "Poplars."
One only heavy decoys 40 pieces, the most powerful generators of noise. Therefore, the number "40" can be easily multiplied by 3. Thus, a "Satan" is 100-120 missiles "Topol-M". The calculation of the total nuclear charge, taking into account the possibilities to overcome missile defense gives roughly the same value. We have these "little animals" as "Satan" was 308. This is conditional, the equivalent of 30,000 mine "Topol-M". Rockets 'Satan' pierced and destroyed any defense, clearing the way another 1,200 missiles SRF, including a 10-block SS-22 mobile dirt "Topol", a powerful potential missile submarines and aircraft. The overall impact, if it is measured in "Topol-M", was no less than 60,000 pieces. Now we have three regiments of "Topol-M" - 30 pieces.
And production at the Votkinsk factory for 4-6 units per year (instead of 30-50 as planned). It is easy to calculate - to 2010-2012. we will have no more than a hundred "Topol-M" .... and nothing else! This means that our potential is reduced to six hundred times in comparison with 1991. and becomes comparable to the nuclear capability of China. When we had all profukannyh, gentlemen, the Russians? Do not profukannyh our nuclear shield, but rather deliberately destroyed. Who destroyed, and whose hands? The answer is well known.
The new non-nuclear strategic strike the U.S.
But this gender trouble. As of 2002. Even those rare "forest" could carry a quarter of America, redirect them to the metropolis, and nuclear power plants that would stop even a madman.
But in 2010 ...
U.S. will be able to deliver a sudden blow from submarines, surface ships, stealth B-2 (without entering the zone of our defense), mobile ground launchers from territories recently joined the NATO, tens of thousands of cruise missiles with a range of four to five thousand miles. Several hundred of these missiles with nuclear heads, low-power deep penetration is guaranteed, with five-fold redundancy will destroy hundreds of mine, "Topol" and command centers.
Available as 500 American high-warhead "MX", but they do not provide a surprise attack, and can be applied only to the second echelon, and only when absolutely necessary, so as not to pollute the environment in vain. Simultaneously, cruise missiles with conventional warheads destroyed the entire air defense system and then by the Yugoslav scenario.
Our unrivaled S-300, "tori" are too small to contain the attack. Mobile, almost invulnerable missile "Topol" in 2010. will be cut for scrap, leaving only mine, "Topol-M". If more than one missile still be able to take off, they will be destroyed on takeoff drones, robots, dozens of steaming at 20 km. height in the areas of deployment of missile regiments and look out for easy prey - big powder barrel racing "Poplars." Shoot down those planes will be nothing - destroyed air defense, missile and simply is not enough to beat on this baby. Apart from these, our missiles will wait for loitering in the air, cruise missiles and conventional air-launched guided by satellites and AWACS.
Or maybe break through?
Forced their way into space rocket will be waiting for a flock of satellites - the fighters ballistic warheads. Yesterday on this brushed aside as of crap. Yes, this was nonsense, with a massive start-up of hundreds of missiles with a huge number of false targets. Tomorrow it will be a real protection.
Even if this threshold is passed, the warhead missile interceptor missiles will be destroyed by land and sea-based. This is a start-up 300 missiles, "Satan," the American missile defense system collided with 3,000 and 12,000 of these warheads are false, completely choking of 15,000 thousand goals and powerful generators of noise. A number of warheads it will knock and do not choke.
Of course, there seems something almost mythical probability that at least one warhead but slip and smash some purpose in the Americas. Well, the president will call America to move this tragedy with courage. The history of these few hours poluyadernoy lightning war will be rewritten and the world will declare that this is the first Russian caused a sudden and dastardly blow in the back of America, for all the good things she has done for Russia. After that Russia will be waiting a very stern but deserved punishment. No one would argue the opposite.
Or give up without a fight?
What about submarines? To 2010. at sea, at best, will be the only one boat-strategist (from 2-3 "walking"), which from the pier will carry a dozen U.S. submarines - completely silent killer class "Sivulf", plus a system of early detection of SOSUS. To understand how close the Americans watch over our boat, the boat is enough to recall the U.S., "Toledo", sank ASMC 'Kursk'. But most of all our ASMC CH detained with access to the sea for a couple of months. Short circuit in one system or order from the headquarters. Judging from the sale to China for a song two advanced destroyers, the activity "Kvashnin and the company" and much more - it's not a big problem. Our strategic aviation and does not pose any threat. And without that is not combat-ready (although if two weeks warning - can prepare for the exercise a couple of boards), with a crew of little or no plaque, they will be destroyed on the ground based on the very first hour of operation. Even if the dispersal of Strategic Air All these airports can be broken down cruise missiles with nuclear warheads small capacity with only one boat, quietly approached the New Earth. Do not be surprised if the president of the country, after the disposition of against him, and did not dare to retaliate, because the impacts to non-nuclear weapon States to use nuclear weapons as it is too early, and then as it was too late.
Our intelligence has time to have time to pre ...
Do not have time. There will be no "period of threat," upon the occurrence of which, all afloat in a sea of leaves, and all the pilots of those who are still able to pick up at the sky 95th "carcass", distributed on numerous airfields and warm the engines on the take-off.
To 2010. will be achieved sustained mobilization. All at full combat readiness. At least a year, at least ten. There is no ground operation. No pre-deployment groups. Plan of attack with no time, no specific date, at any time. Or, if you want to be two hundred attacks possible dates - which of them pointed top U.S. leadership, we learn only at the moment of impact.
That in 1941 the borders of the Soviet Union the Germans concentrated thousands of tanks and airplanes, huge reserves, 199 divisions and brigades. But even this movement of forces, we did not appreciate the unique and the Soviet Union suffered a surprise attack. Now other times.
America moves to a new system deployment - a permanent mobilization, ready at any moment to strike and do not need to deploy. The new command and control system - space, fully fit for this concept.
Actually, the combat readiness of these forces as a strategic missile forces, missile defense, air defense, early warning of nuclear attack, space groups, divisions SSBN before it is consistent with the concept of permanent mobilization.
The point was for small - to combine the systems management space into a single force. It's simple. A few hours before the start of the war the submarine gets orders from the private channel missile launch point, time and coordinates of the targets. No explanation of missile launches. The crew did not even know for what purpose is the shooting - just columns of numbers in the bowels of computers. About what happened in the world, they learn only after the return to base.
Space satellite control system can automatically redistribute the target, depending on the prevailing situation is in the air, sending coded signals to the short head of missiles. And at the same time, the usual patrol areas, the usual alert. Mobile IP KR U.S. deployed along our borders will have the same level of preparedness, as well as our Strategic Missile Forces and air defense, that is a constant, and the software and Space Administration allows us to reduce impacts of missiles at one point in time, even ten years ago was unattainable . Hitler, with his blitzkrieg never dreamed of this. In place of the world wars with opposing powers and coalitions opposing armies, comes something completely different - a global permanent war, a war against a superpower of the world, which is continuous at all points of the Earth in every way possible, political, informational, economic, military. And the process of globalization of the world only an integral part of this war.
And what is out there spending their money the CIA?
"Only last year (2001) U.S. reconnaissance aircraft carried out more than 800 flights along our borders, and more than a hundred times invaded our territory. And the command of the defense argues that the intelligence activity at our borders every year increases in proportion to the weakening of the air defense forces. This takes into account only those cases in which it was possible to fix by means of objective control of the PTB. But after the collapse of the Soviet Union a unified system of air monitoring has ceased to exist. Today, over Russia there are zones not controlled by radar, exceeding the size of France.
I would like to ask for peace-loving inhabitants, for which the Americans so hard frontier scout pressure if they do not consider Russia as a potential enemy. According to conservative estimates, to conduct reconnaissance against Russia leaves 60% of the total intelligence budget. Even in the costs for the coming year for all intelligence activities against the Arab terrorists will be spent in two times less than for exploration against Russia.
All the objective evidence shows that America still sees Russia as its main enemy is not going to abandon the doctrine. Moreover, using the deplorable political and economic situation in Russia, the U.S. openly committed themselves to achieving complete military superiority over Russia. This means that we are going to talk to a position of strength "Vladislav Shurygin" War and Myth (Geopolitical note). "
But whom do we need it, without the pants?
Why did the U.S. aggression, not peaceful coexistence with Russia, rather leisurely "exhaustion" of America that she had left? Many answers, but the main one - the resources. In comparison with the need for resources that will be the U.S. in 2030, 2050., Reasons for Hitler started the Second World will seem just funny. Thousands marched through the world wars and the main causes of these wars, a struggle for these or other resources.
Previously, they were slaves, cattle, an annual tribute, access to the sea area markets. Now comes the era of struggle for the main resources of the planet - for hydrocarbons, uranium, water, forests, do not waste filthy nature, yet only partially spent. If you recall how many local wars the U.S. waged over the past fifty years in their quest for world domination, trying to convince me of my opponents in the peace-loving United States look a bit strange.
America needs full control, especially over potentially dangerous for some parameters, states. The danger may lie in the ability to create high-tech (Russia) or, for example, the rapid population growth, together with the potentially rapid growth of consumption of resources (China), economic or ideological closeness, uncontrollability (Yugoslavia). Control of the political, financial, economic, technological, informational, military, etc. If this can be achieved by expanding the state inside and outside relaxing - very good. If these methods have been exhausted, there is a military solution.
Example - Yugoslavia, Iraq. For us, and in either case the result is absolutely the same - the destruction of sovereignty, the division of Russia into a dozen fully controlled protectorates, serving the interests of the West. The population is rapidly reduced to the minimum necessary (as stated by Mrs. Thatcher, "the Russians should be reduced to 15 million people, serving the wells and mines"). Uncontrolled birth rate will be brought to an end. As the labor force are not interested in Russian America. Controlled degradation of the nation, corruption, drugs, controlled inter-ethnic strife, poverty and instilling national cultures "of the world." Minimum of medicine and education
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